
Mrs Barber, Mrs Backhouse and Mrs McKie welcome you to Poldhu Class!

The children will spend the first few weeks exploring the classroom and getting to know their new class mates. We will then get busy with our new topic 'Marvellous Me' where we will follow the children's interests and incorporate this into their everyday learning and adventures.

We will be exploring our senses with a trips to Crenver Woods and Godolphin House, where we can use their barefoot trail and hopefully find some delicious blackberries to pick. The children will use their creative skills to make self-portraits out of a variety of materials. These will be proudly hung in the classroom for all to see!The classroom will then become home to the 'The Gingerbread Man' where we will be learning the story and acting it out with friends. We will be spending a lot of time learning outside and looking at the changing seasons. The children will also be discussing how we can keep ourselves healthy and be carrying out an experiment to help us take care of our teeth.

We are very excited to start on this amazing adventure!




 Within the early years, we always follow the interests of the children and cannot wait to see where their imaginations take us next.

Within class we follow 'Read, Write Inc' phonics scheme, allowing all children to access and practise their sounds and become confident and competent readers. If you wish to find any more information on our current topics and curriculum please look at our topic web and class timetable.

Please check the school Facebook page for regular updates and photos of our learning in Poldhu Class.
We have been hunting for mini beasts in our garden.
We launched our topic 'Into the Woods' with a visit to Tanglewood Secret Gardens.
We went blackberry picking and made a delicious crumble!
We have been talking about our bodies and exploring our senses at the Godolphin Bare Foot Trail!
We`re Rockin' in our School Shoes! Getting to know our classroom.
Our new story map 'The Scarecrows Wedding' written by Julia Donaldson.
After reading our class story 'The Three Little Pigs' we have been building our own houses outside using different resources.