
'Once upon a time, there lived in deepest Cornwall a class of enchanting children who believed they were coming for a normal day at school.

Little did they know that when they walked through that classroom door, they were entering a magical world, where the only limits were those of their own imagination….'

Welcome to Kynance Class, where this term we will be immersing ourselves in a world of traditional tales through our topic, 'Enchanted Lands'. We will learn about life in a real Tudor Castle, and attempt to make our own moving castle in Design and Technology. In science, we will be investigating key scientific questions, such as Why is glass a bad choice for a shoe or slipper? Can you build a sturdy structure from sticks or straw? Why can't a house be made from sweets? We will practise the tricky skills of portraiture in the style of the Tudors and learn to dance a traditional pavane to perform at our end of term 'banquet', to which our parents will be cordially invited to enjoy food worthy of Heston Blumenthal, such as frozen fruits, jellies, biscuits and breads. Our PSHE lessons will focus on achieving our goals, understanding that failures are a key part of learning, discussing stories of others who have tried, failed and tried again, eventually achieving their dream. 

We follow the mastery approach to teaching maths that promotes fluency and application through reasoning and problem solving. Daily Read, Write, Inc reading and phonics sessions allow children to develop their understanding of the English language, while our storytelling approach to literacy helps us to read like a writer, developing comprehension skills and promoting a love of literature. 
We are committed to learning outdoors, both in our own extensive and beautiful school grounds or in any of our outdoor learning spaces; Crenver Grove, Godrevy Beach or Gwithian Nature Reserve. 




Please check the school Facebook page for regular updates and photos of our learning in Kynance Class. 
Our immersive classroom!
What has happened to these poor veggies? Could it be the work of The Evil Pea? Kynance use the evidence to deduce who the perpetrator of this crime could be... Launching our class book 'Supertato'. 
Our 'Wild Water' activity days; Summer 2022
Kynance enjoyed their topic launch at Godrevy, making animals in the sand to start their study of 'The Sand Horse' and imagining what might happen if their sculptures came to life.. We also started our geographical study looking at human and physical features of the coastline. 
Inspired by the art work of Nick Gustafson, Kynance Class had a great start to their topic making collaborative artwork to further theme their 'rain forest' classroom. 
Our story telling approach to literacy - learning the story map. 
Learning through play.
Kynance Class made the most of the weather with a quick trip to Godrevy today, where we worked as a team to pass buckets of water as firefighters would have done in 1666. We also made a fire and looked at how wood burns and ash is made. We used our senses to describe the fire, to inspire our Fire of London diary writing tomorrow.